Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Talking about dry shade.....

Well all that talk about hellebores got me thinking about dry shade. Dry shade can be extremely troubling to grow in. I'm always looking for something new to try in dry shade.

I'll start out with one that I have been growing myself with good results. I happened across this plant when visiting one of my favorite blog spots. The blogger was featuring a photograph taken of a winter-bloomer called reineckia carnea. I was intrigued, I googled but couldn't find out much about this rare plant except that it is an evergreen, lightly fragranced winter-bloomer good for dry shade and I also discoved to my great pleasure that we actually carried this plant in our nursery. I promptly planted a couple in a sad little area of my property under evergreens and american holly where they have heroically championed on, even through this last year of drought.

A very rare plant from the Himalayas. This is a rhizomatous perennial, evergreen in mild climates, and is an attractive and almost never-seen groundcover for open woodland or around shrubs, in part shade. It also works as a pot plant, and probably would do well in a basket. It reminds me of mondo grass except it flowers in late winter and you kind of have to search for the flower since it is very tightly held. Its pretty carefree and while it has a lovely fragrance its the type of plant you need to put you nose to the ground to enjoy...not that I havn't been known to do that.

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