While I love the scent of the foliage, and the certain satisfaction you get from popping off the spent flowers while enjoying that scent, my head has never been swayed and I very rarely use them in my gardens. That being said I do love some of the exotic ones that John likes to add to his collection every year. These are not your 'grandma's geranium' to be sure. The foliage on some of them are by far more dramatic than the flowers. They tend to be smaller growing and perfect in containers.
This spring John has brought in yet another new exotic geranium. Pelargonium x hortorum 'Graffiti Double Salmon' and it has managed to do what most other geraniums have not. This one has those bold variegated leaves but also has flowers that compete handsomely for the same amount of attention until you are not sure what you love more the foliage or the flower.
Needless to say I will be using more exotic geraniums in my pots this year and maybe even as a bedding plant since this series of 'Graffiti' are supposed to be heat, humidity and drought tolerant which we have plenty of here in North Carolina.